About Long Cut Productions

Long Cut Productions is a dream dreamt by Wendy and I one Sunday afternoon in the spring of 2019. Having left my job recently, I lamented as to what I might do next with my 58-year-old life, while Wendy wondered what she might do with her own aside from the desk jobs that she had satisfied herself with for a couple of decades now. Our talents run the gamut, from juggling to writing, to stage management, to problem-solving, to filmmaking, while our desire runs to the open road, to newness and adventure. We longed to be free of the confines of the daily grudge, though the prospect of giving up our security was daunting. Finally, our fervor for freedom won out against our better sense and the dream began to take shape.

This would not be our first foray into the creative life. Years before, we, along with a friend, formed a production company called Lee Family Productions, and through those auspices made a documentary film about the much-applauded alt-country band Slobberbone. Though circumstances conspired to keep the documentary out of release for years, we rightly felt that it had been a fine effort and that given the opportunity we could continue in that vein. Realizing finally that opportunities are taken, seldom given, we decided to start a new production company, and we called it Long Cut Productions, which portends of filmmaking, travel and a philosophical approach to life commiserate with our own views.

Travel too would be a part of our new life. Long fans of travel programs, we determined to make our own sojourn one of the targets for the camera’s lens, or at the least the subject of a blog, a place where we could chronicle our meanderings. Others have gone before, so why not us? we wondered.

There were also other subjects that turned our heads. Since not long after completing most of the work on Gimme Back My Band, the aforementioned chronicle of Slobberbone, we had talked about tackling the subject of the creative process. Now would be the moment to delve into that territory. Other areas have come up repeatedly as well, from the values we all share to the peculiarities of the small communities that we find ourselves part of. There is an inexhaustible font of ideas for documentary films, and we can only take a little sip of it, but I am very thirsty.

So, what began as a dream has become a travel blog, a production company, a philosophy and a way of life.

Our current projects include;

Gimme Back My Band, the documentary about Slobberbone so long in the making.

Catching Lightning, our examination of the creative process.

What Matters, our investigation into the motivations of the human heart.

and The Long Cut, the chronicle of our travels.

Please STAY TUNED and stay in touch; let us keep you informed about everything that’s happening with Long Cut Productions.

Terry Humphries is or has been a juggler, a bus driver, a waiter, a security guard, a convenience store clerk, a real estate trust advisor, a filmmaker, and a writer of essays, screenplays, variety shows, and documentaries. He also once had a job hurling insults at people, who would then pay for the opportunity to throw tomatoes at him.

Wendy Humphries is or has been a scholar, a thespian, a musician, a counselor, a cog in the corporate machine, a dog and cat lover, a nerdy fangirl, a sometimes hippie chick, and a full-time dreamer. These days she attempts to wrangle a nascent production company, writing and shooting (with a camera, of course) her way into a new life.