
Catching Lightning.

I stand in front of Starry Night and my spirit soars. I read, for the umpteenth time, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and I am awed. I hear the opening notes of My Guitar Gently Weeps, and I weep. And I wonder…

Where did these great works of art come from? What were their inspirations? How did they make it from faint glimmer to the object of my appreciation? What role do I play as the experiencer of this composition? In short, what is the process of creation?

Catching Lightning is a deep dive into these and other questions. We will take a multi-media approach, which will include an investigation into the creative process by way of the specific technique of a handful of artists, of diverse medium, as they each find inspiration for, shape, and finally release one specific work of art. Beyond the production of a feature-length documentary, it will also include shorter interviews with artists and creators of every stripe, from musicians to cooks to astrophysicists, which will appear on the soon-coming Catching Lightning website. As this is still a creation in progress, we welcome any ideas that you, our eventual audience, would like to send our way, so please,

STAY TUNED, and stay in touch.

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